At Griff's Reality Motor Works, in Bristol, we offer the ONLY service of it's kind outside the USA.

Diamond Profiling, or Diamond Cutting as it's known over the pond, is a totally unique method of adding supreme class to your engine. Probably best seen on American Chopper on the Discovery Channel. Those good old boys at OCC regularly use engines in their project bikes that have been Diamond Cut.
Our process is hand profiled using a 38000 rpm air tool with a faceted diamond mounted on it. The operator hand profiles every fin on the head & barrel creating a sparkling finish that reflects light in a way that no polishing process can begin to replicate. There is no doubt that if you are building "The Ultimate Custom", either for yourself or a customer, Diamond Profile is the way to go.
The Diamond Profile service is not restricted to Harley Davidson engines or their clones. it can be executed on any finned surface including Japanese engine fins, fins on wheel hubs, fins on gearbox covers, etc. In fact any finned surface as long as it is aluminium.
Diamond profiling can be done to Vapour Blasted/Micro Sheened bare alloy components, painted components or powdercoated ones. And all of the services we've mentioned are available "in house". Making us the one stop shop for all your needs.
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